Duration: 4 days 3 nights trip

There is no where not beautiful in Havasupai and though a few mishaps happened, everything worked out in its way and it was overall a great trip!!

The Locked Car Key Incident - We (actually I 😅) locked the car key in the trunk with all car doors locked so I had to call road service to come pry the door open. Fortunately we were able to make it to the trailhead in time and started hiking at 12pm. We spent a bit of time in the village and my friend bought a cold coke to reward herself. We arrived at the campground at around 4:30pm.

The Forgotten Toiletry Bag - I forgot my toiletry bag in the car so I had to be a bit creative on how I brush my teeth. 😂

Almost Had No Fuel - Our fuel pickup plan fell through and we were lucky that there were fuel tanks down at the rangers station or we would need to cold soak our food, which was not a big deal but was just less preferred.

Leaving My Chair Behind at Mooney Falls - I was so distracted by the beauty of Mooney Falls and when I left, I forgot my chair behind (classic) and didn’t realize that until I was back to the campsite so I had to climb back down to grab it and thanks to that, I got a second chance to admire the falls again. (I love trails like that (rope/chain climbing) so climbing down was not a problem to me and I enjoyed it!)

Hiking Out Before Sunrise - On the last day, we started hiking out very early (at 3am) to beat the sun (made it back by 8am). Looking for a trail in the dark was adventurous and we were almost lost at one point but we figured that mule poop was the best trail sign and as long as you follow that, you know you are on the track! And after we arrived, we sat there for a while to enjoy the canyon view.

Bonus Tips for Future Adventurers:

  • Many people muled their stuff in but I enjoy carrying my backpack and would like to make it a veritable backpacking trip. (My backpack is a 55L REI Flash pack and it weighed about 22lb with food and without water.)
  • One thing it was worth of its weight to bring is water shoes. After Mooney Falls, you would need to cross rivers/creeks a few times to get to Beavers Falls so I changed to water shoes and hiked in them all the way to Beavers and back. For people who have more delicate ankles, I would not recommend that, but I am used to hiking with less ankle support so it was fine for me.
  • One thing I wish I had with me was a hammock! My hammock is the really heavy kind so I didn’t bring it with me, but if you have a lighter one, bring it!! Napping in the afternoon in front of the falls is such a relaxing thing to do there!
  • The best time to enjoy the view of Mooney Falls and Havasu Falls is at about 2PM (we were there 4/20-4/23). If you go too early or too late the falls would be (partially) in shade.